
600 Years for who?

600 years for whoever said “misery likes company” Why? Because, that is one misunderstood expression which can be very insensitive in its use or interpretation. Well, if the subject title caught your attention, I would like to plead that you share this with anyone & everyone, because in one way or the other, we are all going through a tough

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Freewill and Choices

I originally intended for this article to be dropped on the 1st of August, but I am too overwhelmed not to share this joy that I feel. First things first, God is real. I say that because in my search and quest to understand the supreme being, I am met with mind-blowing revelations. Talking about the subject matter steamed out

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Twenty Six on the Sixth of the Sixth Month

5 whole ass years. What a journey! Five years ago, I was a young teenager who still had a sizable amount of self-esteem but grew to see the coming years eat it away. Well, thanks to depression. Whenever I feel like sharing about my journey, I almost feel like I am crying victim and so, I sometimes just recoil into

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Love and Light

Hey! It’s been an interesting day for me, and I am solemnly using this post as a form of accountability so as not to miss my weekly post anymore. What a time to be alive. Honestly, what an amazing time. Today, I’m feeling really high in my spirits that I’m going to channel the energy into this post. I chose

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The Quintessential Millennial

Independence and self-reliance are the order of the day. From emotions to finances and even in religion, all of this highly doused in positivity. You have got to believe that you are unique in every way and believe in taking responsibility of your life. The millennial chases’ consistency, seeking happiness; self-fulfillment through personal efforts. Love and light addicts. Positivity, Yoga,

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Searching for My Old Friend

Is happiness truly the ultimate? Here I am, days and months after. Living vicariously through lessons from books, therapy and mantras but I’m wondering what’s so unsettling about awareness. One would wonder how one sees the beauty in sadness. Pitch black darkness. If I was to express lyrically, it would be a case of wanting “silent whispers over calm voices”.

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2020 Vision: Reflective

It’s a new year. A new decade. Resolutions rolling out. New year’s blues and above all, the season of “reflection” I don’t plan to make this serious but I feel very serious (focused more like) writing about this. At first, I thought about how much “of a big deal” the new year was till a few minutes to 12 a.m.

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This piece is as random as the subject matter suggests. (Well consistency is key! Welcome to another Wednesday!!!!) I originally planned to dish out a bag of words on black psychology but life happened… Life happened that I had a session and got ill before I could voice my delectable poem. Life happened that I’m feeling weak,maybe hungry but just

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Charity and Mental Health

“Are your problems higher than the heavens or lower than the earth” he asked. Before we fell into what I’d call an “involuntary moment of silence“, I had mentioned to Muyiwa, who I now nicknamed Dirt Partner, that I was thankful for the distraction. Saying that adulthood sucks is more or less sounding like a broken record but it is

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Sixth Senses

The voices in my head are major. Loud, resounding… Major! And yeah sometimes I ignore them, probably because I don’t trust myself.   This is going to be a short post because I’m experiencing a mental block, so I can’t really flow on anything but I must do this every Wednesday – The spirit of consistency.   “I should have

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