Hi, I'm Ezinne

I’m best described as a Living paradox & you can also call me Zinny.

I hate my middle name because people tease me by saying “va**na* or “vegetable”. 
Yeah, it’s Virginia.
My last name is Ogwumah and I’m a bit too proud of my initials V.E.O
Yeah, you can tell I slay and show off with words, this is my Instagram.
I’m Igbo, from Abia State, Arochukwu to be specific.
So being a true Igbo girl, you would understand my efforts in making my gift of writing profitable.
(I’m certified in all of this, here’s my LinkedIn)
Here is my resume also: View
I am a creative writer: works/jobs/publications 
A Content Writer: links
A Copy Writer: projects 
A Technical Writer: projects
And a Researcher, I have some endorsements you can find here 
As a booze lover, I run a cocktail business on the side, catering for private, corporate and social experiences. Here is everything you need to know about this here
And when I’m not venting, doing writing exercises or actually spitting facts on my blog... You should also explore my website and share if you can.
I am volunteering, giving mental health first aid or somewhere in the public, speaking.
Here are the rest of my socials!