
This is My Song

Ain’t anyone telling me that God ain’t real. Finding a suitable title for this piece was a bit of a hassle given that, I struggle with perfectionism and what a battle it is, to find the right “singular” word to define everything that has happened so far. If you’re an ardent reader of this blog (shout out to my Dad),

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Life’s like Candy Crush

I have been holding on to the subject matter for a almost a week now, that if I didn’t let this out, I would forever be upset with myself. If you aren’t familiar with the game “candy crush” or similar games like it, then this might be a bit difficult for you to understand. Patience is truly a virtue, real

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Crazy things are happening!

I wanted to hold off this post till I get my SEO writing really right but like the subject matter, things are really happening. My last post was about being vulnerable, so I would use this opportunity to put into practice what I preach. Life has happened… a lot within the past month that I still don’t know if I

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The truth and how to be vulnerable

“There is joy in my soul” I believe I’ll be doing myself a great disservice if I don’t capture my raw emotions in words right now.It’s 6:13 A.m and I haven’t slept due to a “baby insomnia” I’m battling. Today, this very moment, I feel so much peace within me. Let me just add, thanks to a spirit lifting conversation

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Is Anyone truly happy?

With the way I fall in and out of inspiration/motivation, I’ll say that I am one of the most insatiable humans on earth. I mean, at what point would I say that I am truly satisfied with life? For me, peace of mind is the stillness enjoyed in between partying with the angels and battling the demons. Right now, it’s

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Living for an audience of ONE

I’m obligated to perform thrice a day.I say performance while in reality, I am talking about prayers. For me, this is the process of me shifting perspective towards living for God from living for people. The conclusion is, we’ve all got to live for something and that is what defines what we collectively call PURPOSE. PURPOSE… mentally biting my nails

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September Windows

opens window Sighs… Happy New Month Everyone.I must say that it feels so good with so many intense emotions running through me as I write this. In Nigeria, we’ll say it the official “mber” month which is more of a countdown to the Christmas holidays and a rise of superstitions about “kidnapping“, “rituals” and “ogwu ego” For me, phew… what

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Finally resting on my bed and in my feelings; good ones though but enough to make me cry. Maybe because I’m jet-lagged, maybe slightly drunk but the truth is, I am just thankful. First of all, catching 6 flights in less 48 hours amidst turbulence and landing safely. Secondly, having a conversation with my long time bestie and having a

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Being a Double Score

“If there was a score board for God and the Devil, my soul is a double score for you Lord” These were promises or words that I uttered three years ago at rock bottom. Thinking back to that period, it is obvious that I didn’t know the weight or implications of what I said. February 2021 was also a period

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Being a Successful Person

Let me start by confessing to the fact that an Asian Thriller on Netflix “Super Me” largely inspired this. As the main character in the said movie quoted “people who are successful in life are either traitors or thieves” and although he was trying to be intentionally philosophical, I could see the truth in his words. This caused me to

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