
Patterns, Traits & Responsibility: African Parenting

Today I will be serving Nigerian & personal tea. I don’t know if it’s just me, but beneath the comic of “the African parents” skits, I can’t seem to unlook the toxic traits as fact foundations of what our generation has become today. We are trees, who bear fruits that sow seeds to bear trees in the future. Writing this, I can

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What it means to be different

Ezinne 101: how to become a writer. If you managed to open the link and you’re seeing this, please hold on. I mean, you mustn’t be a writer to read this. You must however, be passionate or purposeful. This subject title stuck harder from my current read (Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that won’t stop talking), as

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Indifference: When Rape Becomes A Mixed Feeling

  Sometimes when the voices become too loud, some seek comfort within closets, and in there, lies stories untold. Secrets, as we would generally term them. The subject of rape has become alarmingly high, that one has to wonder if, there’s a curse, or the world’s end is so near. However, on the table of the perpetrators and the victims,

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The Good Use Of Social Media

Asides from the ever rising cases of tension headache, due to excessive screen time. I feel the need to highlight the use of social media is paramount. Firstly, before I kick-start the subject, I must acknowledge and agree that, social media definitely contributes to the depression, anxiety and immerse esteem issues. This is as a result of comparison of one’s

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Life is an End Game: A tribute to an ended trauma.

Monday 17th June, 2019. 13:45pm “Sis Lulu calling” “Love Cuz calling” I’m stealing glances at my phone screen, as I’m enroute Benin City from Port Harcourt. I know why the calls are coming but I can’t really be bothered. Why should I even be? I should be glad…shouldn’t I? Aunty A as I’d call her in this piece, is my

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The Beauty Of Criticism: Haters Actually Rock!

Artist: Dennis Mcgill I like that I now look forward to sharing my thoughts with you every Wednesday, as my mentor will famously say “consistency is key”. Finding purpose has come to be one of the most interesting thing I’m experiencing as a human being; having to know my strengths, tackle my weaknesses and become naturally mindful of most things

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Life On The Highway: Hard Drugs Interchange

Photo source: Tokyo’s Psychedelic Digital Museum If you can take shots of hot liquor, drink bitter leaf water, eat bitter-kola or go hardcore like Jägermeister or Stout, please you can dish and receive the truth without a fret. I actually wish I can get this post as far as possible, but as they say, life na jeje, so I’d hope

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Feminism and Bey

I’m so happy to be back after so many months, mostly because of procrastination but also because of life challenges. Before I stop digressing, I want to talk about the homecoming video. Beyonce is one hell of diva but a very high symbol of a feminist. Whenever I’m faced with the question of “are you a feminist?” I always take

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Depression, Parents and the 21st Century

In other news, parents can also be a source of depression. Do I sound like a rebel? Misfit Nah… Well your personal opinion. I’m super thankful to be back, and also thankful that mental health awareness is growing in Africa (Nigeria especially). With the most popular being Depression. To be honest, everyone is going through an issue- yours being slightly

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Being the caretaker of the devil’s workshop

There is a popular saying that goes “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”, but ever thought about what it means to have an idle mind? I had a firsthand experience with mental idleness a couple of months ago. Talking out of my personal experience, I can boldly tell you, I was once an apprentice of the devil. Hold on

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