Being the caretaker of the devil’s workshop


There is a popular saying that goes “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”, but ever thought about what it means to have an idle mind?

I had a firsthand experience with mental idleness a couple of months ago. Talking out of my personal experience, I can boldly tell you, I was once an apprentice of the devil.

Hold on with those thoughts- yes you! Nothing diabolical or scary, well scary but definitely overwhelming, before going further and without sounding like a granny, you need to feed your mind right.

I talked about this last week but couldn’t elaborate so much, but hey! It’s what it is.

Like I said, the mind is the spine of our physical and spiritual existence. It’s the workshop of which the finessing of our entirety is.

At this point, I’m certain your mind is working faster than normal but chill, I’m getting somewhere.

The popular saying when it comes to feeding the mind, un relentlessly revolves around the “ungodly” things and some many other crap rule people try to enforce on us.

I’m saying this because I’m not trying to tell you not to watch porn, or do some certain things. In everything, there is something to learn and how you handle that knowledge is what matters.

Controlling the mind is hard work- oh! Trust me, especially when you are having a hard time figuring your Life’s “Left from Right”.

Back to the topic about being a humble caretaker for the legendary horned man

Your mind needs to keep working- not just that but actively right!

What do you think about when you are alone?

What do you heavily feed your mind? (Had to use the term “heavily” because we need to feed the mind this and that for it to be balanced)

How to you react to overwhelming emotions? What runs through your mind when you feel emotionally loaded?

These were the questions I asked myself, one to many times till I caught a glimpse of the light- well I’m still walking towards it, in this tunnel called life *shrugs*

I started by reading self-development books, with a fair garnish of the word of God.

There is also something which I don’t know how many of you know this, the adage “Practice what you preach” is a misconception; not as the words literally mean but its interpretation.

Most books you pick up always spill advice on an ongoing life journey. Not a bad thing but a heads up, especially for the judging people who alert at any fault.

Anyways, like these my favorite authors, the pattern of feeding the mind can’t be overlooked. Read, watch and learn that which you are deeply certain will make your life productive.

Don’t stay idle, relaxing and letting whatever it’s in the air fly into your mind and reside. Delving into the spiritual aspect, you are aware the devil is on earth and frantically looking for souls and minds to expand his franchise.

Don’t be a victim hun!

Enjoy the little poem below

Love & Light



The Two Horned Boss


Beneath his scars and spoils

I saw beauty

Like a tasty ugly meat pie

Beneath his bitterness

I saw loneliness

Like a new born in a dump wailing for love

In my idleness I met him

And not even changed, I tried to change

Furnishing my mind tastefully for his workshop.

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