
The Converted Throat Goat

Disclaimer: Topic is largely inspired by a tweet I saw some days ago. I, myself, wonder how my mind works, as I was inspired to write of the reality of a new convert. Here are two things I know to be true; Jesus is the way and there is no situation impossible for God to change. Still, sometimes, I wonder

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Choosing the Necessary Pains

“Don’t be afraid to start again. Remember that this time, you are not starting from the scratch, you’re starting from experience.” The above is a quote, shared with me by a friend I’d call sister, over my current situation or better still, decision. For me, “starting from experience” is a necessary pain. I had held onto this subject matter for

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Living Through Art

If art is life, therefore, I am alive. So, until I die, I must write. Why? Because, it’s my kind of art. I repeat, “the day I stop writing is the day that I die” And how many times have I died? You, the reader, would know, by the numerous times I have gone MIA(missing in action), on this self-watering

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Waiting on the Good Times

Hey there, been ages *blows the dust off my keypads* I struggle to define what it has been with me. However, the words that come to mind is distracted, hectic, slightly confused, sad, frustrated and generally tired. I had to put my feelings into words…as the last resort though, in a bid to keep my feelings in check. For the

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Life Is A Gamble

Happy New Year my loves! What a sweet pleasure it is, to share a piece created from love with you *reading* on the first day of the month of “love“. Coincidentally, it also marks one year since I intentionally gave my life to Christ, so, a happy anniversary to me & God the Father, the Son and most importantly, the

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Why do you party?

The original topic for this piece was “Why do you go out?” but then, that came off as vague or better still ambiguous; I mean, socializing is a prerequisite for human existence. Still, if like me, you’re torn between being an introvert (homebody) and an extrovert (craving social entertainment from time to time), then you might relate with having moments

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The first time I watched Yellow by Coldplay, I was a depressed teenager.I played out two scenarios in my head: Out there alone in the multitude of people, probably feeling euphoric thanks to MDMA or a mind/emotional altering substance, and just feeling every sort of emotion rush through my being. Out there with my lover, his arms around me and

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600 Years for who?

600 years for whoever said “misery likes company” Why? Because, that is one misunderstood expression which can be very insensitive in its use or interpretation. Well, if the subject title caught your attention, I would like to plead that you share this with anyone & everyone, because in one way or the other, we are all going through a tough

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Freewill and Choices

I originally intended for this article to be dropped on the 1st of August, but I am too overwhelmed not to share this joy that I feel. First things first, God is real. I say that because in my search and quest to understand the supreme being, I am met with mind-blowing revelations. Talking about the subject matter steamed out

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The Quintessential Millennial

Independence and self-reliance are the order of the day. From emotions to finances and even in religion, all of this highly doused in positivity. You have got to believe that you are unique in every way and believe in taking responsibility of your life. The millennial chases’ consistency, seeking happiness; self-fulfillment through personal efforts. Love and light addicts. Positivity, Yoga,

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