
She Tried

I did it! Exceptionally and oh so satisfying. I just completed the 40-day plus fasting for Lent (for the first time!!!) and asides a little headache, all I feel on the inside is Gratitude. Immense gratitude to be honest. I feel nudged in the spirit to hold back on my full expression but if I really do that, wouldn’t that

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Is The Drunken Writer Really A Drunk

This is a question I ask myself sometimes because if I am not drinking wine, I am either drinking African bitters. People say addiction is a means to escape, for me, I call it a mental distortion. In the equation is the presence of edibles but I worry about how many calories I’ll have to consume just to feel like

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Team Conform Vs Team Innovate (The Creative Space and The World At Large)

A new James Bond movie but with the main lead as a woman https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2261944001 In my head, I begin to ponder, if the script would be plotted to promote gay rights… I mean, maybe her passion would still be women or the lead character’s fondness would be men… Which would lead to further feminist denigrations like “our world just doesn’t

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The Good Use Of Social Media

Asides from the ever rising cases of tension headache, due to excessive screen time. I feel the need to highlight the use of social media is paramount. Firstly, before I kick-start the subject, I must acknowledge and agree that, social media definitely contributes to the depression, anxiety and immerse esteem issues. This is as a result of comparison of one’s

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Feelings Over Actions

In the famous words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Firstly, in no relation to this post, I’d like to share that I am having visions! It may be something to be scared of but, I’m pretty excited

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The Chemistry about knowing God

I don’t know how loud I can say this… God is not a difficult person. He doesn’t care about your outward look. He cares most about the content of your heart. Just as you would want to know a woman or a man you are interested in; same applies to knowing our creator. There must be an interest, and then

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The Beauty Of Criticism: Haters Actually Rock!

Artist: Dennis Mcgill I like that I now look forward to sharing my thoughts with you every Wednesday, as my mentor will famously say “consistency is key”. Finding purpose has come to be one of the most interesting thing I’m experiencing as a human being; having to know my strengths, tackle my weaknesses and become naturally mindful of most things

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A Few Words On Love

How do I know I’m in love? When my within feels like the gentle sea. How do I know it’s right When breathing isn’t difficult How do I know that it’s true? When I get better and they get better, So we can be the best. Note: Love is real.

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Life On The Highway: Hard Drugs Interchange

Photo source: Tokyo’s Psychedelic Digital Museum If you can take shots of hot liquor, drink bitter leaf water, eat bitter-kola or go hardcore like Jägermeister or Stout, please you can dish and receive the truth without a fret. I actually wish I can get this post as far as possible, but as they say, life na jeje, so I’d hope

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Being the caretaker of the devil’s workshop

There is a popular saying that goes “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”, but ever thought about what it means to have an idle mind? I had a firsthand experience with mental idleness a couple of months ago. Talking out of my personal experience, I can boldly tell you, I was once an apprentice of the devil. Hold on

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