#thedrunkenwriter #learning #liberation

Toxic Positivism

I need a break from love, light, and bloom. Tired of faux motivation and inspirational quotes flying around everywhere. In Cardi’s voice, “Corona Virus! Shit is getting real” I can across a post from the Tanglaw Mental Health Agency that expressly stated what toxic positivism is and I state; ” The excessive and ineffective over generalization of a happy and

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Rising Above Rona

I mean…shit! This post has been way overdue. While almost everyone I know is getting pumped up with some energy I really want to find out how where and how they are getting and doing it, I can’t help screaming that I am mentally tired. Physically, I’m on social media all day, on my phone all day playing games or

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World Stop

When do we carry on? When does it all end? These are interesting times, when the real lesson of equality is awakening in every one of us. How our fate is to die, how fickle life can get. “Cleanliness is next to holiness” Can 2020 get worse than it is already? I ask this as I look forward to the

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Life in the Neighborhood

Before you clicked “read”, you may have expected some story about my personal environment or community. Well, no, I am talking about The Neighborhood Artist residency in Bariga. I was opportune to discover it, thanks to the handsome mop hair who out rightly calls himself an asshole… He wishes. My first invite was for a movie screening- a documentary of

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Data Rights: The New Human Rights

Never have I being so happy to write a post like this. So, I finally watched the movie “The Great Hack 2019” and I’m close to making sense of our current existence – I mean this present and physical time. I am a huge humanist because as the idea of feminism is becoming distorted, the general purpose of that cause

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The Woke Era: Has the world become too sensitive?

To me, regardless of whatever era we may be in, I think it is important that we all become self “awake” which in Urban lingua is “woke” ness It is amazing and interesting to see women speaking up, people baring their souls and most importantly, the awareness on mental health. Still, it feels like wounds are opening up and being

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Patterns, Traits & Responsibility: African Parenting

Today I will be serving Nigerian & personal tea. I don’t know if it’s just me, but beneath the comic of “the African parents” skits, I can’t seem to unlook the toxic traits as fact foundations of what our generation has become today. We are trees, who bear fruits that sow seeds to bear trees in the future. Writing this, I can

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What it means to be different

Ezinne 101: how to become a writer. If you managed to open the link and you’re seeing this, please hold on. I mean, you mustn’t be a writer to read this. You must however, be passionate or purposeful. This subject title stuck harder from my current read (Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that won’t stop talking), as

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The Beauty Of Criticism: Haters Actually Rock!

Artist: Dennis Mcgill I like that I now look forward to sharing my thoughts with you every Wednesday, as my mentor will famously say “consistency is key”. Finding purpose has come to be one of the most interesting thing I’m experiencing as a human being; having to know my strengths, tackle my weaknesses and become naturally mindful of most things

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Old Spice – New Spice

Artist: Dimitra Milan I swear by the nothingness of space, that this is nothing but my undiluted thoughts towards the now trendy old/young love. I feel the need to explain the idea behind The Drunken Writer; it’s a way, an avenue to share my thoughts, experiences and book/life lessons creatively – (while blowing off steam) So back to the order

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