
Source: Fine Art America.com

What Happened 10 Years Ago?

Quarantimes! It’s one hour past midnight and I have the word “ululate” in my head. I must blame it on my ex’s poem I read. I’m happy people still genuinely feel love for others. About what happened 10 years from now is on the subject of love. Personally, I’ve been told I love too much. I give too much time.

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Life’s Purpose: Service

I believe our imaginations are only as wide and opened as our minds are. There is also the message of love which over time has revealed its self as the global religion. Love one another as we love ourselves. Treat everyone with empathy. Put in one word – service. When I go online and find myself lost in a sea

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This Thing Called Love

Now playing Boundless Love – Women of faith… I was legit washing dishes with my headphones plugged in, when this tune came on & I shut my eyes. Mind you, I’m living life on level 2; Love Awareness. This is a stage where I’m all about being intentionally good, open to giving love without expectations and generally living a life

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The Woke Era: Has the world become too sensitive?

To me, regardless of whatever era we may be in, I think it is important that we all become self “awake” which in Urban lingua is “woke” ness It is amazing and interesting to see women speaking up, people baring their souls and most importantly, the awareness on mental health. Still, it feels like wounds are opening up and being

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Feelings Over Actions

In the famous words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Firstly, in no relation to this post, I’d like to share that I am having visions! It may be something to be scared of but, I’m pretty excited

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Closures: Transiting into acceptance

I feel free…completely free. From taking actual steps to love myself rightly, seeking therapy, learning, reading, socializing and just feeling alive. I didn’t realize that unconsciously, I had taken the first step of Closure; taking responsibility for myself. Before I continue, I would like to quote my favorite Nigerian Poet, Titilope Sonuga “On healing: the idea of closure is a

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Life is an End Game: A tribute to an ended trauma.

Monday 17th June, 2019. 13:45pm “Sis Lulu calling” “Love Cuz calling” I’m stealing glances at my phone screen, as I’m enroute Benin City from Port Harcourt. I know why the calls are coming but I can’t really be bothered. Why should I even be? I should be glad…shouldn’t I? Aunty A as I’d call her in this piece, is my

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Blog Tour: Stab Love With Flower Stalks by Amethyst Saw

Excerpt VIII I cried during sex before dawn. With each flick, each lick, I arched into an ocean. The waves of familiar pleasure crashed over my rigid nipples, my stretching vestibule. I felt overwhelmed. And pain. I felt pain. Numerous emotions raced through me as your soft, brown lips kissed my throbbing clit. A blanket of these emotions threatened to

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From My Lips To God’s Ear

You are worthy Knowing you is a brag You are worthy You are the definition of praise My soul is a double score for you Our team- the winning team Oh! The devil is pressed Your ways are unpredictable Your ways surpasses that of man Thank you for peace Thank you for insight Thank you for who you are to

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The Beauty Of Criticism: Haters Actually Rock!

Artist: Dennis Mcgill I like that I now look forward to sharing my thoughts with you every Wednesday, as my mentor will famously say “consistency is key”. Finding purpose has come to be one of the most interesting thing I’m experiencing as a human being; having to know my strengths, tackle my weaknesses and become naturally mindful of most things

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