
My Short Term Relationship With A Street Hawker

When we think about death, love and birth; how what was never here, appears and how what was once here, disappears. My relationship with the street hawker explains it all. The month of December 2019 was a great one. From my balcony, I would look out for her and run downstairs to get hot steaming puff puff, buns, donuts, fish

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Positive Vibes

It’s been a turbulent year if I am to be very honest. I have felt emotions on bi-polar waves and at some point, it felt as though, I was losing my mind. I have also seen myself manifest in the hardness and the softest depths of existence. I have seen myself pay a visit to the therapist when my self-love

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Freewill and Choices

I originally intended for this article to be dropped on the 1st of August, but I am too overwhelmed not to share this joy that I feel. First things first, God is real. I say that because in my search and quest to understand the supreme being, I am met with mind-blowing revelations. Talking about the subject matter steamed out

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Twenty Six on the Sixth of the Sixth Month

5 whole ass years. What a journey! Five years ago, I was a young teenager who still had a sizable amount of self-esteem but grew to see the coming years eat it away. Well, thanks to depression. Whenever I feel like sharing about my journey, I almost feel like I am crying victim and so, I sometimes just recoil into

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Love and Light

Hey! It’s been an interesting day for me, and I am solemnly using this post as a form of accountability so as not to miss my weekly post anymore. What a time to be alive. Honestly, what an amazing time. Today, I’m feeling really high in my spirits that I’m going to channel the energy into this post. I chose

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The Quintessential Millennial

Independence and self-reliance are the order of the day. From emotions to finances and even in religion, all of this highly doused in positivity. You have got to believe that you are unique in every way and believe in taking responsibility of your life. The millennial chases’ consistency, seeking happiness; self-fulfillment through personal efforts. Love and light addicts. Positivity, Yoga,

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Searching for My Old Friend

Is happiness truly the ultimate? Here I am, days and months after. Living vicariously through lessons from books, therapy and mantras but I’m wondering what’s so unsettling about awareness. One would wonder how one sees the beauty in sadness. Pitch black darkness. If I was to express lyrically, it would be a case of wanting “silent whispers over calm voices”.

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Moral Relativism

Hey! So, I stumbled on this theory through a book “The State of Affairs” which basically focuses on rethinking the term “infidelity“. I’m always almost in a ” right timing” sort of bond with books in read, so you can imagine my mental and physical moans of satisfaction while reading this. Generally, the theory of Moral Relativism argues that nobody

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Source: Fine Art America.com

What Happened 10 Years Ago?

Quarantimes! It’s one hour past midnight and I have the word “ululate” in my head. I must blame it on my ex’s poem I read. I’m happy people still genuinely feel love for others. About what happened 10 years from now is on the subject of love. Personally, I’ve been told I love too much. I give too much time.

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Toxic Positivism

I need a break from love, light, and bloom. Tired of faux motivation and inspirational quotes flying around everywhere. In Cardi’s voice, “Corona Virus! Shit is getting real” I can across a post from the Tanglaw Mental Health Agency that expressly stated what toxic positivism is and I state; ” The excessive and ineffective over generalization of a happy and

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