It’s been a turbulent year if I am to be very honest.
I have felt emotions on bi-polar waves and at some point, it felt as though, I was losing my mind.
I have also seen myself manifest in the hardness and the softest depths of existence.
I have seen myself pay a visit to the therapist when my self-love no longer felt enough.
You can play the Lyrics of Savage by Mega thee Stallion. My life had gone from classy to ratchet
But this year. I have also felt God. The love of God. His magnificent grace and mercy. The consciousness of Christ. I have heard him; in unusual places and unusual people.
I have felt immense peace at every point that I decided to forgive myself.
Immense love. Given. Received. Taught. Learnt.
Still, in navigating this psychotic wave of existence and how I overly question the Bible verse that says “The meek will inherit the Earth”, I think the greatest life hack is to go with the flow. Always stay present and appreciate good moments.
And yes, some of our worries emanate from the past and concerns about the future, still, let go and just let God.
Let me share a philosophy that I have been intrigued about for 3 years – Kintsugi
“one should treat breakage band repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise”
I read a different interpretation of it that spoke to the very depth of my soul.
“We should not be ashamed of our broken parts, but rather, inspired by them. For we have broken, but not come undone. We are more valuable for our experience and stronger and more beautiful in the places we’ve experienced pain.”
Merge this with Jeremiah 29:11
“I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”
Like, do you get?
Honestly, self awareness is a painful journey because of the hard truths but staying ignorant is more painful.
I know it’s been a weird year, but to me, it’s more of a reflective year.
“Self awareness is the hack”
I’ll just end this here by saying “Love and Light”
God is so great.