
The Converted Throat Goat

Disclaimer: Topic is largely inspired by a tweet I saw some days ago. I, myself, wonder how my mind works, as I was inspired to write of the reality of a new convert. Here are two things I know to be true; Jesus is the way and there is no situation impossible for God to change. Still, sometimes, I wonder

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Choosing the Necessary Pains

“Don’t be afraid to start again. Remember that this time, you are not starting from the scratch, you’re starting from experience.” The above is a quote, shared with me by a friend I’d call sister, over my current situation or better still, decision. For me, “starting from experience” is a necessary pain. I had held onto this subject matter for

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Living Through Art

If art is life, therefore, I am alive. So, until I die, I must write. Why? Because, it’s my kind of art. I repeat, “the day I stop writing is the day that I die” And how many times have I died? You, the reader, would know, by the numerous times I have gone MIA(missing in action), on this self-watering

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Waiting on the Good Times

Hey there, been ages *blows the dust off my keypads* I struggle to define what it has been with me. However, the words that come to mind is distracted, hectic, slightly confused, sad, frustrated and generally tired. I had to put my feelings into words…as the last resort though, in a bid to keep my feelings in check. For the

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Searching for My Old Friend

Is happiness truly the ultimate? Here I am, days and months after. Living vicariously through lessons from books, therapy and mantras but I’m wondering what’s so unsettling about awareness. One would wonder how one sees the beauty in sadness. Pitch black darkness. If I was to express lyrically, it would be a case of wanting “silent whispers over calm voices”.

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Source: Fine Art America.com

What Happened 10 Years Ago?

Quarantimes! It’s one hour past midnight and I have the word “ululate” in my head. I must blame it on my ex’s poem I read. I’m happy people still genuinely feel love for others. About what happened 10 years from now is on the subject of love. Personally, I’ve been told I love too much. I give too much time.

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Toxic Positivism

I need a break from love, light, and bloom. Tired of faux motivation and inspirational quotes flying around everywhere. In Cardi’s voice, “Corona Virus! Shit is getting real” I can across a post from the Tanglaw Mental Health Agency that expressly stated what toxic positivism is and I state; ” The excessive and ineffective over generalization of a happy and

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Life in the Neighborhood

Before you clicked “read”, you may have expected some story about my personal environment or community. Well, no, I am talking about The Neighborhood Artist residency in Bariga. I was opportune to discover it, thanks to the handsome mop hair who out rightly calls himself an asshole… He wishes. My first invite was for a movie screening- a documentary of

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A Fault In Our Existence Perhaps

If I say, that I’m woman so I feel more intensely. I‘d get questioned about the message of female equality He said he would call before I go to bed He’ll call back when I tried to call He checked me out by noon To clean up, to welcome another guest of his heart Now he wonders why he meets

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Charity and Mental Health

“Are your problems higher than the heavens or lower than the earth” he asked. Before we fell into what I’d call an “involuntary moment of silence“, I had mentioned to Muyiwa, who I now nicknamed Dirt Partner, that I was thankful for the distraction. Saying that adulthood sucks is more or less sounding like a broken record but it is

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