
This Thing Called Love

Now playing Boundless Love – Women of faith… I was legit washing dishes with my headphones plugged in, when this tune came on & I shut my eyes. Mind you, I’m living life on level 2; Love Awareness. This is a stage where I’m all about being intentionally good, open to giving love without expectations and generally living a life

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Classism: The Fear Of Being Judged, Getting Judged & Judging

Classism; stronger than racism. Has silently bloomed We fear it, we face it, and then we do it. It is simply explained as the discrimination on top of one’s social class and of course we all know that social classes are based off, wealth, income, education, occupation and of course, “exposure” or “social connections” To be honest, I still can’t

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The Good Use Of Social Media

Asides from the ever rising cases of tension headache, due to excessive screen time. I feel the need to highlight the use of social media is paramount. Firstly, before I kick-start the subject, I must acknowledge and agree that, social media definitely contributes to the depression, anxiety and immerse esteem issues. This is as a result of comparison of one’s

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Feelings Over Actions

In the famous words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Firstly, in no relation to this post, I’d like to share that I am having visions! It may be something to be scared of but, I’m pretty excited

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The Chemistry about knowing God

I don’t know how loud I can say this… God is not a difficult person. He doesn’t care about your outward look. He cares most about the content of your heart. Just as you would want to know a woman or a man you are interested in; same applies to knowing our creator. There must be an interest, and then

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Closures: Transiting into acceptance

I feel free…completely free. From taking actual steps to love myself rightly, seeking therapy, learning, reading, socializing and just feeling alive. I didn’t realize that unconsciously, I had taken the first step of Closure; taking responsibility for myself. Before I continue, I would like to quote my favorite Nigerian Poet, Titilope Sonuga “On healing: the idea of closure is a

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Feminism: What is God’s take on it?

Generally, I’m of the opinion that for every cause, there are inevitably extremists. The term “feminism” goes as far as the 19th century, splitting conventionally into three waves; Firstly, to overturn legal inequalities and issues of women suffrage. Secondly, to cover issues of cultural inequalities, gender norms and roles of women in the society. Thirdly, what we now see as

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Life is an End Game: A tribute to an ended trauma.

Monday 17th June, 2019. 13:45pm “Sis Lulu calling” “Love Cuz calling” I’m stealing glances at my phone screen, as I’m enroute Benin City from Port Harcourt. I know why the calls are coming but I can’t really be bothered. Why should I even be? I should be glad…shouldn’t I? Aunty A as I’d call her in this piece, is my

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From My Lips To God’s Ear

You are worthy Knowing you is a brag You are worthy You are the definition of praise My soul is a double score for you Our team- the winning team Oh! The devil is pressed Your ways are unpredictable Your ways surpasses that of man Thank you for peace Thank you for insight Thank you for who you are to

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Life On The Highway: Hard Drugs Interchange

Photo source: Tokyo’s Psychedelic Digital Museum If you can take shots of hot liquor, drink bitter leaf water, eat bitter-kola or go hardcore like Jägermeister or Stout, please you can dish and receive the truth without a fret. I actually wish I can get this post as far as possible, but as they say, life na jeje, so I’d hope

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