This piece is as random as the subject matter suggests. (Well consistency is key! Welcome to another Wednesday!!!!)
I originally planned to dish out a bag of words on black psychology but life happened…
Life happened that I had a session and got ill before I could voice my delectable poem.
Life happened that I’m feeling weak,maybe hungry but just entirely afraid to eat.
Life happened that I’m almost disoriented because I’m needing to talk to a certain someone but I am meeting an iced wall.
Life is still happening…
So what do I do?
I will have some water after I drop this piece
I will go get food after this piece
I will go get my laptop charger after this piece
I will think of the next step to do, after this piece
I will and I shall
And if anything, anything creeps into my mind that I leave where I am currently and go home.
Darling I will because really… Life happens.
Still feeling sick.
Love and light.
You are well and blessed in Jesus name, amen.
Life happens, in positive ways too!
It could happen that one wakes up from … slumber and realised that everything is alright
That the journey all the while was just a process to perfection?
Thanks dad ❤️
Very accurate Aunty