I need a break from love, light, and bloom.
Tired of faux motivation and inspirational quotes flying around everywhere.
In Cardi’s voice, “Corona Virus! Shit is getting real”
I can across a post from the Tanglaw Mental Health Agency that expressly stated what toxic positivism is and I state; ” The excessive and ineffective over generalization of a happy and optimistic state in any situation, which may pose as a denial, minimization and invalidation of genuine human experience “
*Poetry snaps* word!
If you currently dislike (because hate is quite a strong word) the numerous posts about being focused, productivity and staying happy. Darling, you’re not alone. I dislike them too.
It’s almost like the message of peace is now so troubling because it leaves one (me especially) questioning if it is no longer right to “feel“.
I can bet that this piece might be countered on the grounds of faith but let it be known (really thankful for the time I spend with the word) that Jesus in his human form felt. Remember the moments leading to when the soldiers carried him to be crucified, he prayed ” Mark 14:33-36
Having analysed all this, I think it is OK to not want to do anything. Lord knows I have lost count of the amount of times I’ve had to pray against laziness because I felt I was under its shackles.
It’s OK to not take up skills, it’s OK not to be productive (I mean, what really is productivity when one is under mental pressure) and most importantly, it’s OK to feel anxious and worried at this point in time.
I mean! You’re human darling. Uncertainty is our biggest fear, death is our fate and hope, hope is really all we can hold on to.
I believe if you’re easy with yourself, gradually, the things you want to achieve will come, the words will find it’s way, the zeal will reignite and you’ll become whole again.
This is a very important time to be mindful of the things we are feeding our minds especially from the internet and social media apps.
Don’t let anyone set the pace for you. Your only competition is you and you have to master you to understand your strength and weaknesses.
Once again, I’m happy I could write this. (Looking forward to next week)
Love and light!
Yes please
Thank God for the new found strength and willingness to write on vital issues.
You know the vibe cuz!
Amen daddy!