Now playing Boundless Love – Women of faith…
I was legit washing dishes with my headphones plugged in, when this tune came on & I shut my eyes.
Mind you, I’m living life on level 2; Love Awareness.
This is a stage where I’m all about being intentionally good, open to giving love without expectations and generally living a life of love.
Easier said, feels beautiful at times but not easy at all.
I originally started writing this on the 19th of this month but got carried away by a more inspiring topic.
It is the 25th and honestly, I’m in an inner battle of feelings.
What is this thing called Love? Is it really enough?
Firstly, fuck every fairy tale and happily ever after stories or movies.
Fuck every advertisement that aids this delusion of long-lasting happiness from the thing called love and lastly, fuck love.
*Crying* Love hurts. Love is indefinite. Love is shapeless. Love changes. Love heals. Love is a paradox.
Being aware in love has sort of, blown away all chaffs of ignorance.
Love isn’t easy my dear.
Love isn’t sexual. Love is human. Love is all gender.
Love is the very foundation of true friendship & you can’t truly love a person who isn’t your friend.
Did you know that right?
Understanding your kids are humans first before your offspring.
Love is expressing your grievance for the sake of correction and not in spite.
Love is consciously doing unto people as you’d love to be done to you.
It is forgiveness- in the knowledge that to err is truly human but to forgive isn’t just divine but self-freedom (peace of mind)
It is not been afraid to express your affections, even though the world has set down rules of how this love thing should be.
Love is happiness and good will for a person, even though they don’t love you the way you do, treat you the way you do or even want to be with you.
To love isn’t to satisfy self needs
Love is that process of feeding off a person’s happiness, just because.
It is also teaching and spreading the message of love by living a life of love. (You can’t teach by just words)
I could go on and on but I’d end this by saying…
Love and Light!