
World Stop

When do we carry on? When does it all end? These are interesting times, when the real lesson of equality is awakening in every one of us. How our fate is to die, how fickle life can get. “Cleanliness is next to holiness” Can 2020 get worse than it is already? I ask this as I look forward to the

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Life’s Purpose: Service

I believe our imaginations are only as wide and opened as our minds are. There is also the message of love which over time has revealed its self as the global religion. Love one another as we love ourselves. Treat everyone with empathy. Put in one word – service. When I go online and find myself lost in a sea

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This Time Called Time

I stressed the “e” out of his name, which in its entirety means love. This was a person I thought I was hopelessly in love with a couple of months. Time reveals. Once upon a time, I felt a heavy burden in my heart, I couldn’t breathe, I felt numb to the point I wanted to just go. Writing this

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Life in the Neighborhood

Before you clicked “read”, you may have expected some story about my personal environment or community. Well, no, I am talking about The Neighborhood Artist residency in Bariga. I was opportune to discover it, thanks to the handsome mop hair who out rightly calls himself an asshole… He wishes. My first invite was for a movie screening- a documentary of

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A Ride Through My Thoughts

Come with me… Into this sequential waves of thoughts, blind lightnings of worry and the winds of fear. Blowing in and out… Reflecting in every way possible. These past few days have been a tough one, almost like me against myself and just longing to find someone, anyone, to be a source of strength. I have seen my mood move

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Data Rights: The New Human Rights

Never have I being so happy to write a post like this. So, I finally watched the movie “The Great Hack 2019” and I’m close to making sense of our current existence – I mean this present and physical time. I am a huge humanist because as the idea of feminism is becoming distorted, the general purpose of that cause

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A Fault In Our Existence Perhaps

If I say, that I’m woman so I feel more intensely. I‘d get questioned about the message of female equality He said he would call before I go to bed He’ll call back when I tried to call He checked me out by noon To clean up, to welcome another guest of his heart Now he wonders why he meets

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The Truth About The Truth

Everyone hates lies but tells a lie. The thing about the truth is its bitter and hard to handle but sets you free. I believe that the hindrance to the concept of truth is fear and judgment. Fear of punishment, fear of rejection and above all, fear of judgment. As kids, it is the fear that limits a child from

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Is innovation the death of us? Is knowledge a burden? Yes yes, I think so. I lost my family’s friend to brain tumor at the age of 30 last year. I experience the craziest headache if my phone screen isn’t dimmed to the lowest. My ears tingle the most because excess use of headphones. I fear for my life when

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Time Out

Most creatives have flexible time, some still on the journey of securing career capital but in all, we humans all need Time Out. I guess this is why we have the Sabbath day – for rest. We all need time out from family, friends, social media and social noise. Not insinuating that they are bad for us but intense reflection

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