
Can you really make me happy: Is happiness transferable?

These days, self-happiness is way too over exaggerated, that it’s becoming to sound a lot more like selfishness.   Disregard any abnormal interpretation, I’m explaining from the most humane side of me.    Writing this was solely triggered after I had experienced incessant promises and pledges of “I can make you happy”, “let me make you happy”. Which made me “really”

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Feeding the right personality

Just as there are two sides of the coin, so do we have different sides to us. As an individual, we have varying personalities- in the sense that we constantly change, which is solely based on events that have happened to us and our surroundings. A classic illustration would be how you say, “You don’t want to see the other

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Patience: A virtue… really?

Hi, this is an article on patience by the most impatient person in the world. Adding an extra year in age is almost like increasing my intolerance meter… sighs. This topic is also actually an assignment, which was given to me by my Sifu and I have slept too long on it. So I have done my assignment and I’m happy

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The Act of Unlearning

Learning is a constant process. To be human and survive, the will to learn must be constant. Now learning requires unlearning, so you can relearn. Unlearning simply means mentally correcting knowledge; the best illustration would be how we have application upgrades, or better still how bills and rules are amended. Those are actual acts of unlearning, because it tweaks with

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