
Demystifying Boko Haram: The Love-hate Teachings And It’s Validation

For every good and bad conviction, there is an intention, which is the outset of this piece. How much do you know about the incentive of the Boko Haram? Majority see them as a tool of the government for societal upset.  Minority understands their fight against Haram. Haram according to the Islāmic laws, means forbidden; a set of rules that should be followed. Thinking more about it, I

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Feelings Over Actions

In the famous words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Firstly, in no relation to this post, I’d like to share that I am having visions! It may be something to be scared of but, I’m pretty excited

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The Chemistry about knowing God

I don’t know how loud I can say this… God is not a difficult person. He doesn’t care about your outward look. He cares most about the content of your heart. Just as you would want to know a woman or a man you are interested in; same applies to knowing our creator. There must be an interest, and then

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Feminism: What is God’s take on it?

Generally, I’m of the opinion that for every cause, there are inevitably extremists. The term “feminism” goes as far as the 19th century, splitting conventionally into three waves; Firstly, to overturn legal inequalities and issues of women suffrage. Secondly, to cover issues of cultural inequalities, gender norms and roles of women in the society. Thirdly, what we now see as

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