
Life On The Highway: Hard Drugs Interchange

Photo source: Tokyo’s Psychedelic Digital Museum If you can take shots of hot liquor, drink bitter leaf water, eat bitter-kola or go hardcore like Jägermeister or Stout, please you can dish and receive the truth without a fret. I actually wish I can get this post as far as possible, but as they say, life na jeje, so I’d hope

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Feeding the right personality

Just as there are two sides of the coin, so do we have different sides to us. As an individual, we have varying personalities- in the sense that we constantly change, which is solely based on events that have happened to us and our surroundings. A classic illustration would be how you say, “You don’t want to see the other

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We are pancakes

In the hands of our government   The cringing sounds of metal;   Of pan,   Of whisk inside batter   In circular motion, we spread.   Flattened till life swells away from us   Though we protest and talk   Negligence is their first meal of the day,   And breakfast must be made.   Note: This is dedicated

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Faith et Doubt

It is popularly said that, “Fear attracts the devil and Faith attracts God.” Doubt is a type of fear, not like I’m trying to classify what fear is, but this is true. Talking about faith and doubt, is like talking about the two sides of a coin. You either have faith or you have doubt. By saying that doubt is

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Sinking Sands

Struggling or force is the worst way, to come out of a sinking situation. In relatable terms, it’s stupid to actually struggle to get out of sinking sand. Anybody, anyone is capable of getting into a situation where it seems like, there is no possible solution out, or way to tackle the issue. My idea for this subject topic is

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