
How To Live Right

This isn’t exactly the next post I envisioned for my blog but like the saying from my overused piece of art, “WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE” whoever said what will be, will be, didn’t mean what you want, will be“, so writing this kinda feels right. I wish someone or my parents told me with full honesty the reality

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This Time Called Time

I stressed the “e” out of his name, which in its entirety means love. This was a person I thought I was hopelessly in love with a couple of months. Time reveals. Once upon a time, I felt a heavy burden in my heart, I couldn’t breathe, I felt numb to the point I wanted to just go. Writing this

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Is The Drunken Writer Really A Drunk

This is a question I ask myself sometimes because if I am not drinking wine, I am either drinking African bitters. People say addiction is a means to escape, for me, I call it a mental distortion. In the equation is the presence of edibles but I worry about how many calories I’ll have to consume just to feel like

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Life in the Neighborhood

Before you clicked “read”, you may have expected some story about my personal environment or community. Well, no, I am talking about The Neighborhood Artist residency in Bariga. I was opportune to discover it, thanks to the handsome mop hair who out rightly calls himself an asshole… He wishes. My first invite was for a movie screening- a documentary of

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Time Out

Most creatives have flexible time, some still on the journey of securing career capital but in all, we humans all need Time Out. I guess this is why we have the Sabbath day – for rest. We all need time out from family, friends, social media and social noise. Not insinuating that they are bad for us but intense reflection

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This piece is as random as the subject matter suggests. (Well consistency is key! Welcome to another Wednesday!!!!) I originally planned to dish out a bag of words on black psychology but life happened… Life happened that I had a session and got ill before I could voice my delectable poem. Life happened that I’m feeling weak,maybe hungry but just

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