
Love and Light

Hey! It’s been an interesting day for me, and I am solemnly using this post as a form of accountability so as not to miss my weekly post anymore. What a time to be alive. Honestly, what an amazing time. Today, I’m feeling really high in my spirits that I’m going to channel the energy into this post. I chose

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Is The Drunken Writer Really A Drunk

This is a question I ask myself sometimes because if I am not drinking wine, I am either drinking African bitters. People say addiction is a means to escape, for me, I call it a mental distortion. In the equation is the presence of edibles but I worry about how many calories I’ll have to consume just to feel like

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This Thing Called Love

Now playing Boundless Love – Women of faith… I was legit washing dishes with my headphones plugged in, when this tune came on & I shut my eyes. Mind you, I’m living life on level 2; Love Awareness. This is a stage where I’m all about being intentionally good, open to giving love without expectations and generally living a life

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